Download Desktop Client

The current version of EMS is EMS 2022. Please refer to the following instructions for uninstalling the former version and installing the new one on your computer.

Future updates to the software should occur automatically, but from time to time, you may need to download the latest version instead or download the client.

Download the Desktop Client. 

For step-by-step EMS Desktop Client install instructions visit here.

Common setting options are located here. Settings sometimes have to be reset with new downloads. 


Having issues with system freezing? Navigate to Settings > Reset Window Coordinates and Settings > Reset Column Settings. Close EMS and reopen.


Need to uninstall and reinstall? Instructions on how to do so are here!


If you run into issues or a screen asking for the Web Deploy URL enter:

If you have any specific questions or need assistance with this process, please do not hesitate to contact the Administrator.