Event Coordination


To maintain order for each event, an assessment of the security needs will be undertaken. This will be done by the Events Office. The University Police will decide the number of personnel, and the sponsoring organization/department or guest group will be responsible for payment of services.

Excessive Attendance

Public safety will take priority over all other considerations in the decision to stop or limit admission to an event. The final responsibility for this decision rests with the University Police Supervisor on duty at the event. If the event is determined to be out of control, the University Police, in consultation with the event chairperson and/or appropriate Student Development personnel, will take direct action concerning the termination of further consumption of alcoholic beverages, or the termination of the event itself.


Any University Police Officer has the authority to order the event terminated for the remainder of the time designated for that event if in his/her judgment, violations of the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia or the University of Richmond Alcohol Policy are occurring. In addition, University Dining Services is responsible for maintaining compliance with all ABC laws and regulations. Failure of the host group and/or their guests to adhere to these requirements may result in the termination of all alcohol service.


University Facilities or University Dining Services will charge the sponsoring organization for cleanup if the facilities or surrounding areas are left in a state of disorder. The University will make decisions about what constitutes a state of disorder.