Food and Beverage Guide
University of Richmond Dining Services is responsible for upholding food quality and safety standards by limiting the risk associated with these services to the campus community and its guests. Its managers and key staff are certified in food sanitation, CPR, and trained in University policies and procedures.
When planning an event, you must first contact the University Events Office at (804) 289-8585 to schedule all events, secure a location, and identify your food and beverage needs. The Events Office will verify the availability of Dining Services, which has exclusive rights to conduct catering in our licensed facilities.
Dining Services
Dining Services offers a variety of options. Visit University Catering for menus and services.
If Dining Services is unable to accommodate a request, the client may complete a Food Waiver Request form and elect to:
- Organize a potluck (each person brings a food item to share). A food waiver is required.
- Purchase pick-up or carryout products from a public restaurant or grocery store for group consumption.
- Purchase pick-up or carryout products from a public restaurant or grocery store for personal consumption.
- Secure the services of an "approved vendor." This applies to events on and off campus. The name of an approved vendor must be provided to the Events Office and added to the confirmation notice for the event. A food waiver is required
The following options do not require a waiver:
- Brown Bag (each group member brings their own food for personal consumption).
- Entertain guests at a public restaurant.
NOTE: Food brought in from home for general public distribution or sale is absolutely prohibited.
Guidelines for Outside Caterers and Food Trucks
2021 3rd Party Food Vendors Event Guidelines
Food prepared by an outside, approved caterer must be consumed within two or fewer hours of being prepared or delivered. The approved caterer must also practice safety measures with all preparation, handling, and service of food items, including proper cleaning of the facility at the conclusion of the event. A charge for use and cleaning of any kitchen space may apply. All food must be prepared in the licensed kitchen specified by the Caterer’s License from the state, meeting all food handler permit requirements. Food should be delivered in an enclosed vehicle.
The outside caterer and event coordinator are responsible for facility set-up and clean-up charges and all related catering services such as linens, serving equipment, ice, staffing, setups, and utensils.
Vendors are also required to remove all cooking grease from the site immediately after the event.
Use or access to any of the University’s licensed kitchen facilities, storage areas, and equipment is not available due to liability and space limitations.
Outside caterers must serve PepsiCo products when they cater any University event. All outside caterers are required to serve PepsiCo products at University events whether serving on campus or off-campus. An exception may be permitted if the outside caterer at an off-campus site already has an existing agreement with a competitor company, provided that every effort has been made to have PepsiCo products served in the off-campus location.
Approved Dining and Events Vendors
Dining Services is responsible for maintaining a list of approved campus vendors. When campus demand exceeds our capabilities you may refer to this list. To insure the safest possible service, all catering vendors must have on file with us a current copy of their business license, health inspection report (insures they have a licensed and inspected facility), and a liability of insurance certificate that meets the University requirements.
If you are interested in a vendor not on the current approved list, please direct the vendor to the Campus Business Services purchasing office for an application and requirements. The vendor must comply with all University requirements and must submit requested information with their application at least 10 days prior to scheduled event.
Event Regulations
- Food Waiver required.
- Food/non-alcoholic beverage items must be prepared and packaged by a food manufacturer, supermarket, or approved caterer from the Approved Vendors List.
- Food waiver required.
- If donated food and non-alcoholic beverage products are used at an event, they must be obtained by a licensed food manufacturer, supermarket, or approved vendor. An authorized food service vendor must dispense any perishable donated foods requiring preparation, cooking, and/or hot or cold storage.
- Virginia ABC Law prohibits the donation of alcoholic products; non-alcoholic beverages must comply with the University’s Exclusive Beverage Agreement (see below).
- Forward a letter of donation from the licensed food operator at least ten (10) working days prior to event to Food and Auxiliary Services.
- Food waiver required.
- If food or beverage items (including wrapped candy and snacks) are being handed out as a way to attract people to an event or table, these items must be purchased through a food manufacturer, supermarket, or licensed food provider.
Temporary Food Events
- Food waiver and permit required.
- A "Temporary Food Establishment" is a food establishment that operates for a period of no more than fourteen (14) consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration.
- If the event is open to the public, the event coordinator must obtain all necessary permits, licenses, and the Coordinator’s Check List from the City of Richmond Department of Health and the Department of Finance. To contact the City of Richmond Health Department call (804) 646-0761 or (804) 646-0036.
- Forward by campus mail, fax (289-8779), or hand deliver copies of all permits and waiver request to Food and Auxiliary Services, located in the Heilman Center.
- All vendors selling food/beverages must submit an application form for a Temporary Food Permit with the City of Richmond Health Department ten working days prior to event. The permit must be displayed at the event in a location that is conspicuous to consumers.
University of Richmond Beverage Agreement
The University has contracted with the PepsiCo for exclusive beverage representation on campus. The contract requires the University to only offer approved PepsiCo products, stating that, "no Competitive Products are sold, dispensed, served, or sampled anywhere on Campus". Per this agreement, products can be purchased from the University’s retail outlets or Dining Services. All University units and departments are required to abide by this contract whether purchasing beverages through an approved caterer or providing their own beverages for on campus functions. For quantities greater than four cases, and/or to request delivery, advance ordering is required. To order, call (804) 289-8512, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at least three (3) working days before your event.
PepsiCo products include: soft drinks, bottled water, energy drinks, juices, and Gatorade.
University Events
Only PepsiCo products can be served at University events. This guideline is valid for all on-campus and off-campus events. However, if the off-campus site has an agreement with a competing company in place and cannot serve PepsiCo products, competitor products may be served provided that the University has made a good faith effort to have PepsiCo products served in the off-campus location.
Personal consumption is exempted from the PepsiCo agreement. This means that students, faculty, staff, and their guests may purchase non-PepsiCo products at their own expense for consumption on campus.
Sales and Food Tax
The University’s sales and use tax certificate of exemption is not applicable for the purchase of taxable services. These include lodging and/or meals that are consumed or distributed from outside the University. Therefore, when contracting with an off-campus caterer, taxes will apply.
Alcohol Policy
All members of the University community and third-party users of University facilities are responsible for knowing and acting in accordance with applicable laws and University policies concerning alcohol when hosting an event on campus.
Policy for Events with Alcohol on Campus
The purpose of this policy is to inform the University community and third-party users of University facilities of the procedures and regulations they must comply with when hosting an event with alcohol at the University.